Green Lane School…

A class at Green Lane Infants' School in the 1960s

A class at Green Lane Infants’ School in the 1960s

I promised some more photos of schools in the Charnwood Street area. These photos of Green Lane Infants School in the 1960s were kindly sent to me by Stephen Poultney, who remembers it as ‘something like Charnwood Street School. There were two assembly rooms, one on top of the other, and most of the classrooms went off these. I remember its demolition in 1973 after the new school was built. The classrooms had four brick thick walls between them – built to last – but no inside toilets for the kids. They were outside, with no roof either…’.

I’ll pass on some of Steve’s other memories of Charnwood Street another time – but here are more of his photos:

green lane infants 2 green lane infants 3

green lane road 4Let me know if you recognise anyone, or have memories of your own of the school that you’d like to pass on.

Great photos Steve – many thanks!

16 thoughts on “Green Lane School…

  1. Went to Green Lane Infants in the early 60s can remember being in the same class as a Jennifer Carrot, it was great to see pictures of the old school.

    • I went to Greenlane infant schoolin the 1950’s I remember teaches , Mrs Scardgel and a Mrs Cobisha . A girl called Dorrien Orion and a boy named Wayne Cannon . When I left there I went to Bridge Junior school

  2. Great to see these photos, I went to green lane school and I am third from the left at the back of the picture taken in the 60s. I am Christine Adcock, (always the first on the school class register,) I believe I am standing next to Sally Swinfield. I recognise a few others too. Gillian Ross, Amanda Hine, Geoffrey Buckby, Rose Garner, Peter Busby, Susan Brake, Tina Peel and Kathy ? I have fond memories of this school, the big rocking horse in the downstairs hall, all the lovely p.e apparatus, and on your birthday you had to stand on a bench while everyone sang happy birthday and then a tin was opened and you were given dolly mixtures. I went there as an infant and remember the smell of hot water in a wash basin as this was new to me. I grew up on Mount Road (now demolished) and we only had running cold water. I remember as I got older being in an upstairs class and at the end of the day putting the chair up on the table closing our eyes to say a prayer, Lord keep us safe this night. I am now 56 and I still remember Charny and my childhood school with fond memories.

  3. I was at the school from 1951 or 2 until leaving for Bridge Road Juniors. At that time there was a secondary school on the top floor, with infants below. Happy memories of most of this time apart from the compulsory Cod LIver Oil.

  4. The attached school picture was taken in 1966/67 at Green lane Infants. I’m in the middle row far right. [Click on the picture to see a larger version].

    • Hi Satish, are you sure the photo of 1966/67, is from Greenland infants school ? As I’m too in the same photo. as we were in the same Class, however, my recollection of the photo is from Bridge Junior School.

  5. Went to greenlane secondary school in the 1950s, Great memories that time, Playing football and cricket in the playground, The playground made a great slide in the winter when it was frozen. Mr Ashton would come and play cricket in the playground in the summer. Would not see that today. Great times.

  6. Great Photos I went to green lane school in the 50/60s and then on to bridge rd as most of us did the first photo on the page bottom left is my brother Mark Branston unfortunately he passed away in 2017 I had not seen that photo before. I have quite a few pictures of me at the school in plays where I played the lead roll and it was filmed by the council? I think if you would like to put them in your archives please let me know. I only due to my age do e.mails fond memories Paul Branston

  7. If anybody could tell me how to upload pictures to this sight

    would they let me know. still not found out about the film

    Regards Paul Branston

  8. If anybody could tell me how to upload pictures to this sight

    would they let me know. still not found out about the film

    Regards Paul Branston

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